Pickle Finance Community Blog Nov 14th

3 min readNov 14, 2020


Hello Picklers.

Welcome to the first ever Pickle Finance community blog.

I hope it is a great resource to stay up to date with what’s been going on and celebrate the community.

Let’s dive into the brine!

PIP 17 Enacted, BTC + DAI Rewards Boosted

PIP 17 went into effect, re-allocating 5% of rewards from the PICKLE/ETH LP (70% — 65%) to prenBTCCRV (5% — 8%) and pDAI (2% — 4%).

This proposal makes Pickle a highly attractive option for those keeping their funds in BTC, so spread the word today!

Withdrawal Fees Removed

The community passed a vote removing withdrawal fees with 85.33% support.

This will make using Pickle’s pools even more attractive and raise total value locked.

Pickle Analytics

Thanks to some incredible work from 0xBoxer you can now see detailed visual data on pickle jars.

Community Creativity Challenge

There have been some incredible submissions to the creativity challenge. This fantastic poster came from MVP Creatives.

Expect a full blog celebrating Picklers very soon.

Get involved by tweeting your submission with the hashtag #picklechallenge.

Pickle Contributors Rewarded

Last week the community came together with a proposal to reward and celebrate key individuals who have put their time and effort into Pickle.

Here are some of the highlights:

GREEN Contributors (8 ETH)
@0xBoxer (Dune dashboards 4)
@jintao (creator of https://pickle-jar.info/ 9)

GOLD Contributors (4 ETH)
@jjdubs (mod / multi-sig / former Discord #1)
@Peachy (mod / multi-sig / Telegram mod)
@dafacto (creator of https://pickle.fyi/ 6)
@Totally_Not_Gorby (Discord wizard)

Read the full thread here.

Bug Bounty Program

Found a bug in the pickle jar?
Follow the guidelines here to report it.

Forum Highlight: The Future of UNI Rewards

Provided by yyctrader + Jintao

As many of you know Uniswap confirmed in a recent governance call that they will stop giving liquidity providers rewards from the 17th of November.

There’s been some fantastic discussion around what the Pickle community should do, kicked off by Dr Eggplant’s initial proposal to:

  • reallocate rewards to other farms
  • increase Pickle staking rewards triple digit figures
  • allow Pickle stakers to vote

There are currently five options being discussed:
A — renBTC +17%
B- renBTC +11%, 3CRV +4%, cDAI +2%
C renBTC +7%, 3CRV +5%, cDAI +5%
D renBTC +3%, 3CRV +7%, cDAI +7%
E — 3CRV +17%

You can see the project weekly profit from fees for each proposal above.

Join the conversation.

Conversation With Larry the Cucumber

Gabriel Haines chatted with the glorious Larry the Cucumber, covering a wide range of topics.

This is not one to be missed!

Community Member Spotlight: Rooster Cogburn

This was a tough one, with so many dedicated Picklers across Twitter.

Rooster Cogburn lived up to his name, landing a savage burn on Harvest Finance’s measly 5.12% APR renBTC farm.

Keep up the good work Rooster, we appreciate you!

241 WETH of Weekly Staking Rewards

This week a whopping 241 WETH has been deposited from pickle jars to reward stakers. Great work everyone, enjoy your Pickles!

MixBytes Audit

The audit is now in its final stage, with no critical issues detected so far. You can read the report here. All of the PickleJar strategies have now been audited.

Back to brining everyone!


That’s all for this week Picklers!

I hope you enjoyed this round up of everything that’s happened recently, and look out for lots more content coming soon.

Don’t forget to get involved in the community discord.




Winter Bears Founder, covering Ethereum/DeFi/NFTs/DAOs